02/23/2017: Juan Jose Diaz Leon wins the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society Best Student Poster Presentation Award 2017 (San Jose, CA, U.S.A.). The title of the poster is "Study of thin film oxidation kinetics using a combination of simulations and advanced characterization".
12/06/2016: David Fryauf successfully completes his Ph.D. defense “Atomic Layer Deposition Of Thin Films: From Functional Devices To Protective Coatings” – CONGRATURATIONS!
04/19/2016: Juan Jose Diaz Leon wins the Dean’s Award at the 12th Graduate Research Symposium by presenting “Hierarchical Moth-eye antireflection coatings”.
04/01/2016:A new NSF grant supports a materials science project “Study of Surface Templates Nanomanufactured for Growing Single-Crystal Semiconductor Films” at NECTAR.
12/01/2015: Junce Zhang successfully completes his Ph.D. defense “Heteroepitaxial Growth and deposition of semiconductor and metallic Nano-materials with intermediate layers” – CONGRATURATIONS!
05/21/2015: Kate Norris successfully completes her Ph.D. defense “Materials Growth And Characterization Of Thermoelectric And Resistive Switching Devices” – CONGRATURATIONS!
01/15/2015:A new NSF grant supports a collaborative project “Atomic Layer Deposition Barrier Layers on Large Silver-coated Mirrors” between NECTAR and the UC Observatory.
06/16/2014: The Sun-to-Fiber project (Sponsor: DOE/ARPA-E) is featured in an article written by Amber Khan, an undergraduate student at UCSC.
05/19/2014: The Sun-to-Fiber project (Sponsor: DOE/ARPA-E) is highlighted in the Santa Cruz Sentinel.
05/19/2014: Kate Norris wins the Best Poster Award at the Graduate Research Symposium 2014 hosted by the Baskin School of Engineering at UCSC.
02/20/2014: David Fryauf wins the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society Best Student Poster Presentation Award 2014 (San Jose, CA, U.S.A.), and Juan Jose Diaz Leon is runner up. A NECTAR member won this award four years in a row!
09/03/2013: Professor Chennupati Jagadish (Australian National University) visits the NECTAR Santa Cruz laboratory at UCSC.
06/07/2013: Amanda Flores and Juan Jose Diaz Leon receive the 2013 Dean's Award and the 2013 Chancellor's Undergraduate Research Award for their research projects being recognized. The two recipients are among the total three recipients in the Baskin School of Engineering at UCSC.
04/21/2013: Prof. Kobayashi delivers a talk “Planar Optical Waveguide Coupler Transformers for High-Power Solar Energy Collection and Transmission” at SunShot Concentrating Solar Power Program Review 2013 (Apr. 23-25, 2013, Phoenix, AZ, U.S.A.).
02/20/2013: Kate Norris wins the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society Best Student Poster Presentation Award 2013 (San Jose, CA, U.S.A.).
01/06/2013: NECTAR receives a cash donation made by Antropy, Inc. (Portola Valley, CA, U.S.A.).
12/10/2012: A new ARPA-E grant supports NECTAR conducting an applied research project on high-power solar energy.
09/10/2012: Electrical engineering students study a new-type of nanometer-scale device at NASA, Hewlett-Packard Labs, and UCSC.
06/26/2012: Prof. Kobayashi wins the 2012 R&D 100 Award with an industrial collaborator – Structured Materials Industries, Inc. - in recognition of a tool that enables materials science research.
05/29/2012: Andrew Lohn successfully completes his Ph.D. defense “Growth, Characterization, Modeling And Device Applications Of Semiconductor Nanowire Networks” – CONGRATURATIONS!
05/14/2012: Kate Norris and David Fryauf present their research at the 8th Annual Graduate Research Symposium at UCSC.
02/22/2012: Andrew Lohn Wins the Northern California Chapter of the American Vacuum Society Best Student Poster Presentation Award 2012 (San Jose, CA, U.S.A.).
01/17/2012: Andrew Lohn Receives the National Awards from the American Vacuum Society at the 58th International Symposium and Exhibition (Oct. 30-Nov. 4, 2011, Nashville, TN, U.S.A.).
01/01/2012: The equipment donation by Philips Lumiledsincluding a photoluminsecence mapping system supports materials science research at NECTAR.
06/09/2011: Prof. Kobayashi, the Advanced Studies Laboratories Science Director, is featured in a SPIE NewsVideo.
08/24/2010: The 2010 Summer Internship Program at Advanced Studies Laboratories successfully ends.
06/09/2010: The equipment donation by Philips Lumileds supports materials science research at NECTAR.
11/04/2009: Prof. Kobayashi is appointed co-director of the Advanced Studies Laboratories – a strategic partnership between UCSC and NASA Ames Research Center.
09/08/2009: NECTAR/BINRDI Summer Internship Program supporting five UCSC undergraduate students successfully ends (Slide show).
04/30/2009: The equipment donation by Hewlett-Packard Laboratories (Palo Alto, CA) supports materials science research at NECTAR.